Sunday, November 8, 2009

famous problem

Kurt Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem A summary of the revolution that this great logician brought to the foundation of mathematics - see also Russell's paradox
Fermat's Last Theorem Facts and pointers for this famous problem that remained unsolved for more than 350 years and the final milestones to the proof
Cantor's Continuum Hypothesis The different faces of infinity
The Most Beautiful Formula Euler's almost magic formula that relates five fundamental numbers: e, i, Pi, 0 and 1 (and a corollary: i raised to itself is real)
The Most Famous Open Question Riemann Hypothesis: the most sought-after accomplishment in number theory
Famous Problems in Mathematics A page maintained by Alex Lopez-Ortiz. Topics include the famous Four Colour Theorem, the 23 Hilbert Problems that guided research in the 20th century and some famous unsolved problems, including Goldbach's and Twin Primes conjectures
The Prime Number Theorem The article from Encyclopædia Britannica on this astonishing property of the infinite population of prime numbers
The Four Color Theorem History, a summary of a new proof and a four-coloring algorithm found. By Neil Robertson, Daniel Sanders, Paul Seymour and Robin Thomas

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